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Doing Business with the World Bank and the IDBWorld Bank Group and IDB - How We Support Swedish Companies The Washington office supports Swedish companies in their efforts to win contracts financed by the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB). These international organizations, headquartered in Washington, DC, finance projects in developing countries, for example: infrastructure, environment (i.e. water & wastewater, solid waste and air pollution), energy, telecom, health, education, forestry, agriculture and land administration projects. While IDB only finances projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Bank operates all over the world. Many of the projects include procurement of consultancy services for technical assistance while others include procurement of suppliers of goods. Others still are for constructing firms, sometimes set up as BOT or BOOT projects requiring a company willing to act as an operator and/or an investor respectively. There is also a tendency within the World Bank to emphasize private sector development. This means that the private sector branch of the World Bank called the International Finance Corporation (IFC) will become increasingly important. Swedish industry generally has a good reputation within the Development Banks but the Swedish share of the business from Bank financed projects is very low in relation to the Swedish role as major donor. Swedish companies need to improve their marketing efforts and local presence both towards the Banks as well as the borrowing countries authorities. Combined, the World Bank and the IDB annually finance projects totalling almost USD 40 billion and consequently there are more business opportunities for Swedish companies through these Banks. Therefore, we have developed, and are currently implementing a strategy to increase interest and participation of Swedish companies in World Bank/IDB financed projects and to hopefully reach a sustainable higher business volume for Swedish companies. Since mid 1998, we have been co-ordinating various World Bank and IDB efforts is Sweden, the borrowing countries and in Washington. Our goals are to:
We can help Swedish companies become more successful in being awarded contracts by:
In terms of providing general export information, this service is free of charge. However we charge the Swedish Trade Council tariff for export consulting services when we provide more specific information. Such work includes obtaining documents from and discussing a project directly with the responsible Bank task or sector leader, fund administrator or country anchor, or setting up seminars and individual business meetings. For business contacts or further information, please contact: Ivar Cederholm, +1-202-467 26 74 Anders Peterson, +1-202-467 26 70